Unable to add my Synology NAS

This lecture message is unrelated to Tailscale and seems to be a message that comes up when you use sudo for the first time: command line - Lecture from the local System Administrator - Ask Ubuntu

As for which folders to delete, you can find them here: Uninstalling Tailscale · Tailscale

thanks for pointing me to that, but do you know how to access the var/packages folder on the synology so I can delete them? I can’t seem to locate them in the file station.

I don’t think you can browse system folders with the File Station.
You could use an SSH connection to get a command line and delete the folders with that.

Here’s how you can activate SSH via DSM 6: Terminal | DSM - Synology Knowledge Center
And here how to do it with DSM 7: Terminal | DSM - Synology Knowledge Center

Hi, I faced the problem here.
After access NAS via SSH and remove all related folders. Now I cannot install Tailscale on my NAS.
it shows failed to install

I also tried to install manually but no hope.
So how can I resolve this problem?
Thank you.
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