Interface MAC address

Tailscale version: 1.38.4
Your operating system & version
Fedora 38 and Windows Pro 10

This is probably not the problem I’m having, but it’s the only error message I currently have so I’m asking anyway.

I have a Windows 10 machine and Linux machines. All of them are using tailscale and the Windows computer is running sunshine for game streaming. I added the windows server to my linux clients using the tailscale IP address and as long as the machines are on the same LAN everything works fine.

However, when I take one of the clients off the network it can still ping the Windows machine in tailscale but I can’t connect to the sunshine server to launch games. The sunshine server has a log that says

Warning: Unable to find MAC address for 100.111.xx.xx

and I noticed on my Linux machines and Windows the physical address is not present. I’m not sure this is the cause for the problem but I’m curious if there’s a way to set a physical address for a tailscale interface or if there are any downsides if I do.

Today (once again) I happened to face this issue as well.

I went further and tried to spoof a Mac Spoof address on top of the Tailscale interface, as the code requires a mac address but as long it refers the network device, it should work. This killed the Tailscale driver and I had to reinstall it from zero, spoofing does not work from the testing I’ve done.

To be honest, I think we should raise an issue on the Sunshine community given this is not an isolated case. I have an additional problem that I am using Tailscale to play on my passthrough KVM Windows 10 machine that is running on a Linux host, so I have to deal with both virtualization and Windows drivers at the same time, nightmarish.

My advice for you, for now, is to use Geforce Gamestream instead. It works out of the box, even without a mac address associated with it. (I don’t understand why Sunshine requires it, since Gamestream works without one)

I know this is a limited solution, as Nvidia announced it will kill Gamestream servers soon enough, but it works too flawlessly and Sunshine has some additional configurations that seem strange, and less than optimal.