Setting up Synology as Subnet Router not working

I have 4 Synology DS+ devices with current Tailscale installed at 4 different locations, one of these locations being my office. I also have Tailscale setup on a laptop in my office. From this laptop I can access all 4 Synologies via their TS iP address without issue.

I’d like to be able to access all 4 Synology devices via a 2nd computer (or any other computer for that matter) in my office, but without installing Tailscale on them. My understanding was that I could do this by setting up the Synology in my office as a subnet router.

I did the route configuration on the Synology and approved the subnet in Tailscale. However, at this time, I’m not able to reach any of the Synology devices via their Tailscale IP address.

I feel like I’m missing something simple.