Route Non Connected Device Through Exit Node

Tailscale version - 1.44.0
Your operating system & version - Debian 11

I’m trying to get a device that is in the same local network as some of my Tailscale nodes but not connected itself to route its traffic through to an exit node. I imagine theres not a direct way to do that without having Tailscale installed. Is there a way to use a small device like a raspberry pi to act as the devices gateway as a relay?

The other option I guess would be to manage to get Tailscale installed on the device. Its a TCL TV (TCL - 55C735) and from some videos online they used to support the Google Play store. I can’t seem to find the Tailscale app to install or the Play Store (I guess the app search itself is merged with play store compatible apps?). Is there a way to side load the .apk file on the TV to allow it to connect and utilise the exit node itself?

Having a look at similar posts, it seems like theres an issue from December last year without any response. Directing internet traffic from devices behind Tailscale router through exit node
Hoping to post again incase there are new answers since.

Hi, that was my original question you linked so I got a ping.

From my side, I haven’t yet got this working but I did find another source here

which looks to be exactly what I am trying to do using a Raspberry Pi as the router and many thanks to the author of that for listing it out so clearly. Three notes:

  • I have not actually found the time to test this out yet
  • I did find when I researched buying the secondary usb wifi adaptor comments online that the drivers are no longer supported in the latest Pi builds. If true I’m sure there’s a workaround but I haven’t researched that personally
  • My intention was to try this out replacing the external wifi adaptor with the inbuilt ethernet port so it routes between the ethernet and inbuilt wifi with no need of add ons. Again to emphasise I’ve not tested this but I assume is a relatively easy edit to the scripts to make it work.

Hope that helps somewhat.

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately I won’t need to test this out so can’t confirm if it will work. Fortunately though, the reason is because I found Tailscale on the TV’s Google Play Store. I’m not sure if there was just an issue with the initial search or if was made available since then (i doubt it) but I was able to install and log in the Tailscale with it. It seemed to prompt for the permission to setup an Android VPN interface on the device so this weekend I’ll try it out properly and see if it can correctly utilise the exit node.