Preserve tailscale IP on windows (migration paths)


Unfortunately, legacy applications are sometimes stuck with using IP addressing instead of DNS resolving. When using tailscale on the server side, it would be nice to be able to keep the tailscale IP address when migrating the windows OS to a never version, without having to visit each client and change the IP address.

I’ve seen it’s possible on linux by preserving /var/lib/tailscale, but I can’t seem to find similar files under windows.

Can this be done, and how?

It would be brilliant in future versions to be able to choose a fixed IP per device, in these cases.


Did you try looking in %ProgramData%\Tailscale?

Edit - Sorry, I forgot things got moved to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Tailscale at some point.

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Thank you, that was very helpful :o)