Auto update for Windows?

I can’t seem to find a way for clients on Windows to auto update. Is this possible?

So far I am downloading the update and installing it to update.

I’m also just updating all my nodes manually, when a new version comes out. I was wondering about auto updating, and for Windows I found this covering issue.

It’s definitely a missing feature in the client.

However if you are installing via Choco, or a similar cli package tool, you could use a script in a scheduled task to check for new versions and install the update fairly easily.

Relying on Windows InTune, although it sometimes picks disruptive times to update.

After posting this question, I found that “winget.exe upgrade tailscale.tailscale” might work. It’s built into Windows. There haven’t been any updates yet though to try it for sure.

The only real issue with it is that the 1st time you use that command you have to answer a prompt, but after that, it seems to be somewhat automated.

the above command worked fine for the 1.34.2 update.

There is another post that has PowerShell commands that will create a Scheduled task in Windows to update Tailascale at each login:

(Thanks to earlgrei

I created a .bat file that you can run manually (or add to run as a Scheduled task). This will display on both the console and create a log file of your choice:

@echo off
::  For last run info, see log in
::    <your tailscale log file>

powershell.exe -Command "tailscale status | Tee-Object -FilePath '<your tailscale log file>'"
powershell.exe -Command "Write-Host ''; Add-Content -Path '<your tailscale log file>'  ''"
powershell.exe -Command "tailscale version | Tee-Object -FilePath '<your tailscale log file>' -Append"
powershell.exe -Command "Write-Host ''; Add-Content -Path '<your tailscale log file>'  ''"
powershell.exe -Command "tailscale update -yes | Tee-Object -FilePath '<your tailscale log file>' -Append"

echo              If an update is in progress...
echo             Do not hit any key until you see
echo                the result of 'success'
echo.           This is to allow the Version displayed 
echo.                at the end to be the correct version 
echo.                  AFTER the update has completed

powershell.exe -Command "Write-Host ''; Add-Content -Path '<your tailscale log file>'  ''"
powershell.exe -Command "tailscale version | Tee-Object -FilePath '<your tailscale log file>' -Append"
TIMEOUT /t 2 >nul