Using Tailscale with remote GUI

Tailscale User:

I am curious as to whether tailscale would allow me to access a remote server using graphical user interface. For example, let’s say that I have a server at home (a desktop workstations of sorts) and that I want to visualize the desktop and run things on that server. Would tailscale allow me to do that ? I know that I can do that from the command line. I am more interested in knowing whether I can also see the screen (as possible in TurboVPN).

Similarly, I am also curious as to whether tailscale would work within a University network. Let’s say that I have a server at an university that uses some kind of VPN connection. Would I be able to use tailscale to access a server inside that network ?



Tailscale support:
Tailscale works with any types of networks, including university networks.
As for remote desktop access, that’s also possible.

I use Zoho Remote Connection Software. It allows me to logon to the target computer and see the Windows desktop as well as and control the remote computer.

Does Tailscale work like that?

Yes, Tailscale can support this usecase using RDP. For more details please visit, How to secure RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) by restricting to Tailscale · Tailscale

it’s 2:47 am and i was trying to get a way to access my upstairs pc with my laptop downstairs. and i somehow ended up here on a fancy website with less than no clue what i am doing.

Tailscale itself does not come with a remote desktop client

So when your server/home workstation has enabled Microsoft Remote Desktop, than yes: you can access the remote desktop from your remote client over tailscale.

You could also install vnc-server on your home-devices and the vnc-viewer on your remote device.
you would than be able to access vnc over tailscale.

How to setup VNC-Server: (Remember to use your tailscale-ip instead of the LAN/wan ip)