Using ACL to separate multiple networks with same subnet advertisements

I have multiple networks that are structured in the same manner and currently I use separate tailscale accounts to manage them. I would like to use the same accounts and use ACL to separate them now.

Each network has a router device that enables access to a subnet ( Users in this network can access the subnet.

With my current knowledge I have no problems creating ACL where I use groups and tags to separate these networks like so

  "groups": {
    "group:network-a": [
    "group:network-b": [
  "tagOwners": {
    "tag:network-a": ["group:network-a"],
    "tag:network-b": ["group:network-b"]
  "acls": [
      "action": "accept",
      "src": ["tag:network-a"],
      "dst": ["tag:network-a:*"]
      "action": "accept",
      "src": ["tag:network-b"],
      "dst": ["tag:network-b:*"]
      "action": "accept",
      "src": ["group:network-a"],
      "dst": [
        "tag:network-a:*", "*"

The problem is that network B advertises the same subnet as well and I want it to be available to network b devices only. Is this possible?