Tailscale Forum Announcement

Hey there, Tailscale community members!

I’m here to share some important news regarding the Tailscale forum. After almost three years, we have made the decision to sunset this platform. Starting on July 15, 2023 the forum will go into read-only mode: Posts will continue to be available to read, but users will not be able to start new threads or reply to existing ones. While our forum has served as a valuable platform for discussions and knowledge sharing, we believe that concentrating our resources on our managed support channels will enable us to better meet the needs of our community.

We want to provide both the best support and community experiences we can, and this means being intentional about the channels we maintain. These are the main reasons behind our decision:

  • Streamlined support: By centralizing support inquiries, we can provide quicker and more efficient responses to your questions and concerns. Our support team will be able to dedicate more time and attention to resolving issues and providing personalized assistance.
  • Wider reach: While we’re not impressed with the current state of Reddit as a company, our existing subreddit already has a significant user base and a vibrant community. By utilizing this platform, we can tap into the collective wisdom and enthusiasm of our members and create a more inclusive environment for discussions and engagement.
  • Enhanced user experience: We understand that having multiple platforms can sometimes cause confusion and fragmentation. By consolidating our community efforts, we aim to provide a seamless experience for all users, making it easier to navigate and participate in discussions while also making sure that we don’t miss any bugs.

We recognize that change can be challenging, and we want to ensure a smooth transition for everyone. We’re working diligently to migrate the valuable content from the forum to our Knowledge Base to ensure important discussions and resources are preserved.

Going forward, the managed channels for help using Tailscale are:

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Truly, thank you all for your active participation and support in building the Tailscale community. We wouldn’t be what we are without you, and we are committed to ensuring and maintaining the high quality of support and engagement you deserve.

Thank you for being a part of our community! :gift_heart:

Nae Morris
Head of Tailscale Support

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I’m a big fan of Tailscale, but I think this is a horrible decision.


I agree. The forum gave me feedback directly from other users who had success in using Tailscale the way I was hoping to use it. This will be missed however I expect an independent forum will surface run by the users before long.


100% agree … what a terrible decision :frowning:


I agree. This forum just needs more attention from Tailscale employees IMHO.

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It makes sense not to have multiple user forums, but I would far prefer to see the subReddit shut down and this forum maintained. Reddit is IMHO a terrible platform, with an uncertain future.

If this site is to be kept, how much more work and cost would there be to keep it alive rather than in zombie mode?


Agreed. I’d rather the subreddit was closed and more resources were put into this forum.

Would the TS guys be adverse to someone setting up an unofficial Tailscale discord?

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I’d be willing to bet that the subreddit has more active users on it than this forum. Easy choice in that case.

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There is always Lemmy

Wider reach: […] our existing subreddit already has a significant user base and a vibrant community.

Going forward, the managed channels for help using Tailscale are:
(reddit is not mentioned here)

I’m confused: you talk up the value of Reddit, but then you don’t mention it in the managed channels? :thinking: