I/o timeout on DNS lookups while using split DNS

Tailscale version:

  tailscale commit: 0bc2caf8ce8fd4c471a3226ec1877ae0564429b1
  other commit: 988e8ad4342582d6d729bb2242cc062776b6b9fe-dirty
  go version: go1.17.8-tsdce70b6d32

Your operating system & version: Big Sur (macOS) Version 11.6 (20G165)

I’m using tailscale on my mac with a subnet router( with a subnet) running inside a k8s cluster so I can access private resources within the cluster.

These are my tailscale DNS settings.

Sometimes, the DNS lookup fails with:

2022/03/30 18:23:24 failed DNS query: lookup dpg-..svc.cluster.local on read udp> i/o timeout

These are the application logs from my mac from before and after the above error:

log show --color=auto --start "2022-03-30 18:20:0" --end "2022-03-30 18:25:0" | grep "tailscale" 

2022-03-30 18:20:56.500041-0700 0xa69a872  Default     0x0                  232    0    symptomsd: (SymptomEvaluator) [com.apple.symptomsd:netepochs] defusing ticker tickerFatal having seen progress by flow for io.tailscale.ipn.macos.network-extension, rxbytes 4969 duration 58.607 seconds started at time: Wed Mar 30 18:19:57 2022
2022-03-30 18:21:56.549956-0700 0xa6a6f86  Default     0x0                  232    0    symptomsd: (SymptomEvaluator) [com.apple.symptomsd:netepochs] defusing ticker tickerFatal having seen progress by flow for io.tailscale.ipn.macos.network-extension, rxbytes 5088 duration 60.053 seconds started at time: Wed Mar 30 18:20:56 2022
2022-03-30 18:22:56.649332-0700 0xa6a6f86  Default     0x0                  232    0    symptomsd: (SymptomEvaluator) [com.apple.symptomsd:netepochs] defusing ticker tickerFatal having seen progress by flow for io.tailscale.ipn.macos.network-extension, rxbytes 5009 duration 60.057 seconds started at time: Wed Mar 30 18:21:56 2022
2022-03-30 18:23:56.758403-0700 0xa685361  Default     0x0                  232    0    symptomsd: (SymptomEvaluator) [com.apple.symptomsd:netepochs] defusing ticker tickerFatal having seen progress by flow for io.tailscale.ipn.macos.network-extension, rxbytes 4968 duration 60.061 seconds started at time: Wed Mar 30 18:22:56 2022
2022-03-30 18:24:56.899468-0700 0xa685361  Default     0x0                  232    0    symptomsd: (SymptomEvaluator) [com.apple.symptomsd:netepochs] defusing ticker tickerFatal having seen progress by flow for io.tailscale.ipn.macos.network-extension, rxbytes 4929 duration 60.065 seconds started at time: Wed Mar 30 18:23:56 2022

Could you help me understand possible causes for the lookup failures?

I’d suggest turning on “Override local DNS” That makes sure the OS, and not just Tailscale uses the tailscale DNS settings.

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