How to foward tcp with tailscale funnel

I’m on Ubuntu server 22.04.2 LTS and can’t figure out how to forward TCP ports with tailscla funnel

What have you tried so far and at which step are you stuck at?
Generally, you’d have to do the following:

  1. Enable HTTPS in the DNS settings of Tailscale’s admin console.
  2. Add the funnel node attributes in the ACL section of the admin console (there will be a button to add the rules without having to type them manually).
  3. In a CLI, type tailscale serve tcp:2345 tcp://localhost:9876 (where 2345 is the TCP port you want to expose via funnel and 9876 is the local port of whatever TCP service you want to expose).
    For now this will only start serving the port within your tailnet.
  4. Type tailscale funnel 2345 on to now start serving that TCP port via Funnel (i.e. make it available from the internet).

To check the status, type tailscale funnel status, which should show the TCP redirect you defined in step 3. It should also show (tailnet only) if you haven’t turned funnel on yet (i.e. before step 4), but will show (Funnel on) if you enabled Funnel for the port (i.e. after step 4).

Sources: Tailscale Funnel · Tailscale
Use Tailscale Funnel and serve · Tailscale