Tag:device can connect to an app on a server but cannot connect to the internet

Hi guys, I have a question about setting up ACL.

I can set up ACL to allow devices that have tag:shared to connect to a web application/port-11 on devices that have tag:server. After connecting to the web application successfully, I cannot access to internet anymore.

for example:

I have a my laptop with tag:shared;

My remote server with tag:server; On the server, I have two containers; one container port 11 and one port 22

I can use ACL to set up my laptop, tag:shared, to connect to container port 11, but not container port 22, which is great and is the way I want.

But after that I cannot connect to the internet at all. I am not sure if I set up ACL correctly

my ACL set up:

// Example/default ACLs for unrestricted connections.
// Declare static groups of users beyond those in the identity service.
“groups”: {
“group:admin”: [“myemail@gmail.com”],

// Declare convenient hostname aliases to use in place of IP addresses.
"hosts": {
	"example-host-1": "",

"tagOwners": {
	"tag:server": ["myemail@gmail.com"],
	"tag:shared": ["myemail@gmail.com"],

// Access control lists.
"acls": [
	// Match absolutely everything.
	// Comment this section out if you want to define specific restrictions.

	// {
		"action": "accept",
		"src":    ["tag:shared"],
	 	"dst":    ["tag:server:11"],
"ssh": [
	// Allow all users to SSH into their own devices in check mode.
	// Comment this section out if you want to define specific restrictions.
		"action": "check",
		"src":    ["autogroup:members"],
		"dst":    ["autogroup:self"],
		"users":  ["autogroup:nonroot", "root"],


Is there a way or instruction to allow a tagged device to access to a server:port + internet?