Followed instructions for Azure App Service Web App; couldn't connect

Tailscale version: 1.28.0, as used in the linked instructions
Your operating system & version: Alpine 3.16 (in a container, w/ golang1.19.0)


Having followed the instructions on “Using Tailscale on Azure App Services” (Using Tailscale on Azure App Services · Tailscale) the resulting container is only able to register, not to actually function.

It becomes listed as a machine, but never shows as connected.

After altering the approach to involve manually issuing “tailscale up” via SSH, the result is the same.

The message about following a link shows up; using that link from another computer results in a message saying it worked; but the result is as described–machine is listed and not connected.

In the SSH session, the message about using the link just sits there.

The userspace networking command from the instructions is used. I’ve tried with and without VNet integration (with and without “route all” enabled).

Could MS have changed something in Azure App Service networking that makes even the customized networking (userspace) approach doesn’t work? Has anyone else implemented this lately?


Instructions: Using Tailscale on Azure App Services · Tailscale

Image version: Docker Hub

Code commit: GitHub - sophware/azureastailscaletest at 184750f7198060f945d91099f0009efb90a3a13e

Log of SSH session:

Welcome to Alpine!

The Alpine Wiki contains a large amount of how-to guides and general

information about administrating Alpine systems.

See <>.

You can setup the system with the command: setup-alpine

You may change this message by editing /etc/motd.



3ba87cdbaa25:~# sudo su

3ba87cdbaa25:~# TSFILE=tailscale_1.28.0_amd64.tgz

3ba87cdbaa25:~# cd /app

3ba87cdbaa25:/app# wget${TSFILE} && tar xzf ${TSFILE} --strip-components=1

Connecting to (

saving to 'tailscale_1.28.0_amd64.tgz'

tailscale_1.28.0_amd 100% |********************************************************************************************************************************************| 18.5M 0:00:00 ETA

'tailscale_1.28.0_amd64.tgz' saved

3ba87cdbaa25:/app# /app/tailscaled --tun=userspace-networking --socks5-server=localhost:1055 &

3ba87cdbaa25:/app# logtail started

Program starting: v1.28.0-t80313cdee-gd26dd4a68, Go 1.18.4-ts149f7d88f1: []string{"/app/tailscaled", "--tun=userspace-networking", "--socks5-server=localhost:1055"}

LogID: 7fb31f5289f9456ad00c39e4b19e1628c7522797876f8a1d37a1b2e3ff5f4f0d

logpolicy: using system state directory "/var/lib/tailscale"

logpolicy.ConfigFromFile /var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.log.conf: open /var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.log.conf: no such file or directory

logpolicy.Config.Validate for /var/lib/tailscale/tailscaled.log.conf: config is nil

wgengine.NewUserspaceEngine(tun "userspace-networking") ...

dns: using dns.noopManager

link state: interfaces.State{defaultRoute=eth0 ifs={} v4=false v6=false}

magicsock: SetNetworkUp(false)

magicsock: disco key = d:bcdda682e7a577eb

Creating WireGuard device...

Bringing WireGuard device up...

Bringing router up...

Clearing router settings...

Starting link monitor...

Engine created.


using backend prefs; created empty state for "_daemon": Prefs{ra=true dns=true want=false routes=[] nf=on Persist=nil}

Backend: logs: be:7fb31f5289f9456ad00c39e4b19e1628c7522797876f8a1d37a1b2e3ff5f4f0d fe:

control: setPaused(true)

Switching ipn state NoState -> NeedsLogin (WantRunning=false, nm=false)


wgengine: Reconfig: configuring userspace WireGuard config (with 0/0 peers)

wgengine: Reconfig: configuring router

wgengine: Reconfig: configuring DNS

dns: Set: {DefaultResolvers:[] Routes:{} SearchDomains:[] Hosts:0}

dns: Resolvercfg: {Routes:{} Hosts:0 LocalDomains:[]}

dns: OScfg: {Nameservers:[] SearchDomains:[] MatchDomains:[]}

control: mapRoutine: awaiting unpause

health("overall"): error: state=NeedsLogin, wantRunning=false

./tailscale up

ipnserver: conn2: connection from userid 0; root has access


control: client.Shutdown()

control: client.Shutdown: inSendStatus=0

control: mapRoutine: quit

control: Client.Shutdown done.

using backend prefs; created empty state for "_daemon": Prefs{ra=true dns=true want=false routes=[] nf=on Persist=nil}

generating new machine key

machine key written to store

Backend: logs: be:7fb31f5289f9456ad00c39e4b19e1628c7522797876f8a1d37a1b2e3ff5f4f0d fe:

control: setPaused(true)

Switching ipn state NoState -> NeedsLogin (WantRunning=true, nm=false)


StartLoginInteractive: url=false

control: client.Login(false, 2)

control: mapRoutine: awaiting unpause

control: LoginInteractive -> regen=true

control: doLogin(regen=true, hasUrl=false)

control: control server key from ts2021=[fSeS+], legacy=[nlFWp]

control: Generating a new nodekey.

control: RegisterReq: onode= node=[gjTQ5] fup=false

control: RegisterReq: got response; nodeKeyExpired=false, machineAuthorized=false; authURL=true

control: AuthURL is

Received auth URL: https://login.tailsc...

popBrowserAuthNow: url=true




requestEngineStatusAndWait: waiting...

requestEngineStatusAndWait: got status update.

stopEngineAndWait: done.

control: doLogin(regen=false, hasUrl=true)

To authenticate, visit:

control: RegisterReq: onode= node=[gjTQ5] fup=true

control: RegisterReq: got response; nodeKeyExpired=false, machineAuthorized=true; authURL=false
