Cant share machines

Hello :slight_smile: I am new in tailscale and i want to share some machines with my colleges in tailscale. Unfortunately the acl roles blocked the plan.

I get the following error message under machines in the sharing window: “ACLs may block invited users.”

Thats my code:

// Example/default ACLs for unrestricted connections.
	// Declare static groups of users beyond those in the identity service.
	"groups": {
		"group:admins": ["", ""],

	// Declare convenient hostname aliases to use in place of IP addresses.
	"hosts": {
		"example-host-1": "",

	// Access control lists.
	"acls": [
		// Match absolutely everything.
		// Comment this section out if you want to define specific restrictions.
		{"action": "accept", "users": ["autogroup:shared"], "ports": ["*:*"]},
	"ssh": [
		// Allow all users to SSH into their own devices in check mode.
		// Comment this section out if you want to define specific restrictions.
			"action": "check",
			"src":    ["autogroup:members"],
			"dst":    ["autogroup:self"],
			"users":  ["autogroup:nonroot", "root"],