Trouble using tailscale with Microsoft Hyper-V Server


I’ve downloaded and installed Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 from the evaluation center
Hyper-V Server 2019 | Microsoft Evaluation Center

I’m installing Tailscale and running into a problem where it doesn’t login after restarting.

msiexec /i tailscale-setup-1.28.0-amd64.msi /qb /l log.txt TS_NOLAUNCH="YES" TS_UNATTENDEDMODE="YES"

"C:\Program Files\Tailscale\tailscale" up --authkey=tskey-{random} --accept-routes --accept-dns --unattended

C:\Support>"C:\Program Files\Tailscale\tailscale" status  {machine1} {account} windows -  {machine2} {account}       windows -   {machine3}              br windows -

C:\Support>net stop tailscale
The Tailscale service was stopped successfully.

C:\Support>net start tailscale
The Tailscale service is starting.
The Tailscale service was started successfully.

C:\Support>"C:\Program Files\Tailscale\tailscale" status
# Health check:
#     - not in map poll

Logged out.

I found some bug reports for issues around this, but mostly those involved the “up” command hanging.

That talks about a tailscale-ipn.exe but that never seems to run for me, and I don’t really know what it does.

Thanks for any help.