Tailscale blocking k8s.gcr.io?

I am not confident on what is going on. I am trying to begin to learn kubernetes so I can begin to use AWX, installed via awx-operator.

I’m using minikube, and here is my startup command.

minikube start --addons=ingress --cpus=2 --install-addons=true --kubernetes-version=stable --memory=6g

This fails because of the ingress addon. Digging into logs:

kubectl logs kube-proxy-ftjpt -n kube-system

E0311 17:36:16.267621 1 proxier.go:1600] “can’t open port, skipping it” err=“listen tcp4 :30511: bind: address already in use” port={Description:nodePort for ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx-controller:http IP: IPFamily:4 Port:30511 Protocol:TCP}

E0311 17:36:16.267669 1 proxier.go:1600] “can’t open port, skipping it” err=“listen tcp4 :30333: bind: address already in use” port={Description:nodePort for ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx-controller:https IP: IPFamily:4 Port:30333 Protocol:TCP}

So I looked at netstat and Tailscale is what is listening on 30511 & 30333.

So I did sudo tailscale down, even stopped & disabled the tailscaled service, and got the same result despite that netstat no longer shows tailscale listening on 30511 & 30333.

These are the only processes listening on ports after turning off tailscale:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 567/teamviewerd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 459/containerd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3586/docker-proxy
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3572/docker-proxy
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3558/docker-proxy
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3544/docker-proxy
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3532/docker-proxy

I found this article:

and this one:

But nothing about changing port 30511/30333 or about how to use kubernetes and tailscale on the same machine. I have no idea if I should be talking to the minikube people, or tailscale, tbh.

It looks like proxier iterates over all 65535 ports in order to set up a proxy for each one? “can’t open port, skipping it” doesn’t sound like the existence of the two ports is causing a failure. It wouldn’t be reasonable for proxier to insist that no other process on the system was allowed to have any ports open.

Fair enough, that makes sense. I’ll look elsewhere for what on earth is going on. I appreciate your time and effort very much!