Multiple gmail accounts?

Currently I have all my nodes logging in with I’d like to have some of them logging in with

This would much facilitate better access controls if they were on different emails.

How can I do this?

I tried the “Invite Team” button but it told me something about destroying my account and creating a new one with a custom domain. That’s not a very well-received answer.

Hi Rottweiler and welcome!
This article explains our structure, but the tl;dr is:
Signups using shared email hosts such as are limited to the solo plan, and may only have one user.

If you’d like to invite other members to your network, please sign up for a new account using an email address domain that your whole team shares (see the example at the beginning of the article).

Also, we’re working on a friends and family feature and we hope to roll that out in the next year.