Is Subnet Routers one way?

By default the subnet router replaces the Tailscale IP source address 100.x.y.z with its own LAN address. This makes it simpler for the cameras to send a response: the camera thinks it is talking to, there on its local LAN. It also means the cameras cannot connect to 100.x.y.z, as they cannot get through NAT.

There is a --snat-subnet-routes=false argument which tells the subnet router to pass the 100.x.y.z addresses onto the local LAN.

HOWEVER: routing on the LAN is outside of Tailscale’s control. The cameras need to know that to reach the next hop is If the subnet router is also the default route for the LAN this tends to be simple. If there is a separate Wi-Fi AP as the default route and the subnet router is a separate node, getting a route to installed on the cameras will be harder.

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