Exit Node help with acls

I setup an exit node according to the Exit Nodes (route all traffic) · Tailscale kb documentation.
I modified my acl settings to be like this with commenting out the old acls.

// Example/default ACLs for unrestricted connections.
	// Declare static groups of users beyond those in the identity service.
	"groups": {
		"group:example": ["user1@example.com", "user2@example.com"],

	// Declare convenient hostname aliases to use in place of IP addresses.
	"hosts": {
		"example-host-1": "",

	// Access control lists.
	//"acls": [
	// Match absolutely everything.
	// Comment this section out if you want to define specific restrictions.
	//{"action": "accept", "users": ["*"], "ports": ["*:*"]},
	"acls": [
		// all users can use exit nodes
			"action": "accept",
			"src":    ["autogroup:members"],
			"dst":    ["autogroup:internet:*"],
	"ssh": [
		// Allow all users to SSH into their own devices in check mode.
		// Comment this section out if you want to define specific restrictions.
			"action": "check",
			"src":    ["autogroup:members"],
			"dst":    ["autogroup:self"],
			"users":  ["autogroup:nonroot", "root"],

But when i try to ping the exit node from other computers connected to tailscale it does not work. It also wont show up as the exit nodes ip address when i navigate to what is my ip on one of the computers connected. Can anyone help me with this? I am trying to use a computer on another network as the exit node so i can open up some ports so that my game servers can get out and be hosted.