Exit Node can't access websites

Hi, I’ve setup an exit node on my ubuntu 20.04 on linode, when i use any device connect to it, i can ping on terminal but i cant access any website or connect to the internet.
idk if there is anything to do with ufw but here is my ufw status

Anywhere on tailscale0 ALLOW Anywhere
41641/udp ALLOW Anywhere
Anywhere (v6) on tailscale0 ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
41641/udp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)

If you do an iptables -L there should be a ts-forward option if you have run tailscale with the advertise-exit-node flag

Have you enabled ip forwarding as per: Enable IP forwarding on Linux · Tailscale ?

If you can, for instance, ping but not ping google.com then it could be a DNS issue. In which case, I recommend upgrading your exit node to the latest unstable build, as there are a couple of scenarios where DNS is not forwarded properly.

This fix will be in the next stable version which will be released in the next couple of weeks.

yes, there is a ts-forward option, and I can only ping but not google.com, I think I’ll wait for the stable version released. thx for helping